As you may have noticed :-) I started knitting again, so this time I got quilty and knitty presents.
A fabric tissue-box, sock yarn, a sock knitters box and knitting bears (to prevent knits to escape from your needles). She also bought some yarn for me that I can use to knit a bag and felt it in the washing maschine.
Next week is Angelikas birthday and I have to finish her gifts during the week-end. But today we had some kind of fleemarket for kid's clothes and toys at our kindergarten that was organized by the parents' association. We started working at 12.30 and finished at 18.00. So I'm terribly tired and need a rest. Tomorrow I will work on the gifts and I will visit a quilt show of 'Kwilts anplackt'. (The homepage is not updated. The pics are from the last show in March 2005).
Happy Birthday (in late). I hope you can meet Angelika as quickly as possibile. It's beautiful to have a "secret sister"....
ciao ciao
Happy birthday to you. You got some wonderful presents there. That tissuebox is so cute.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Sorry my for my delay ;)))Indeed very beautiful the gifts that you have received!!!
Hugs :)))
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