There was a lot of crafting going on since my last post and I will try to blog everything I did.
On the german yahoo-group Quiltsterne was a link to Morsbags. I wanted to learn what is behind this idea and get stuck. The next day I saw a dear friend with a plastic bag coming from the local supermarket and I decided that she will receive my first Morsbag. In the meantime I opened my own pod and ordered some labels.
Before I started patchwork and quilting I had the idea that I can use whatever fabric I want to make a quilt. So I bought some bags with reduced furnishing fabrics. Last Saturday I moved the box with these fabrics from the basement to my studio and started the first bag.
Siehste, irgendwann kommen die Stoffberge zum Einsatz. Der Beutel sieht klasse aus !
Hi, I also make Morsbags
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