Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Redwork BOM

When you read about the goals I set for January, you can imagine that I should be pretty busy.

But when I saw the redwork blocks at Quilty and Gwen I decided to take a closer look at the new blog of Capricorn that is specialized in BOM's. (You can find Capricorn's regular blog here).

I liked the design and so I decided to give it a try and traced the pattern and stitched with Anchor embroidery floss #47 which is bright red. I also found some darker red embroidery floss, so maybe I will use different shades of red.

Sorry for the bad picture. When I took the picture with flash the fabric was bright white and looked realy unnatural. When I switched off the flash the red of the floss looked pale.


Clare said...

There is a gorgeous gorgeous red DMC floss. The no. is 115. I use it for tying the Qs4L.

Dio you fancy doing some hearts for me?

Melanie said...

I lovethis!!! I'm going to try to join this-- But I'm seriously kicking around a green color...

Bea said...

Scheint ja doch ansteckend zu sein - LOL. Ich freu mich, daß du mitmachst! Happy stitching

Unknown said...

Great that you are taking part too. That´s why I don´t make any list in January, you never know what comes along where you can´t say no!
The pattern for the scarf is gorgeous. I hope you will show pictures soon! Take care.

Simonetta said...

Very beautiful,she is perfect!I love the redwork. Have a good week! Hugs

Merche said...

Felicidades por tu trabajo.........

